Ingeneumática S.A.S. has been characterized by providing its customers not only excellent quality and support, but also by offering solutions that contribute to the continuous improvement of companies.
This is how industrial solutions are born, helping companies to automate their activity, allowing them to increase their production capacity, saving time and money.
Ingeneumática S.A.S. Is a company dedicated to design, develop, produce and commercialize compressed air networks, as well as industrial automation; representing an integral solution in pneumatic systems through innovation for all types of industries, satisfying our customers with timely services and contributing in parallel to the development of all those who are part of it.
• Carrera 55B # 72A-94
Itagüí, Antioquia, Colombia
- (+57 604) 448 8836
- (+57) 314 890 9672 / (+57) 314 890 9668
- comunicaciones@ingeneumatica.com
- division.tuberia@ingeneumatica.com / (+57) 321 6409937
- division.maquinas@ingeneumatica.com / (+57) 314 890 9662