INGENEUMÁTICA S.A.S. is an engineering company, founded in 1998 by mechanical engineers and industrial designers, recognized by the great experience in design and assembly of compressed air networks and electro-pneumatic systems for the automation and optimization of machinery.
Our company is characterized by the timely provision of services such as:
Calculation, design, assembly and maintenance of compressed air networks and pneumatic systems. In addition, we have state-of-the-art technology and the necessary equipment to provide an efficient service to the industrial sector at national and international level.
INGENEUMÁTICA S.A.S. also counts with its patented piping airexpress® , a modular system of tubular profiles with flat or round sides, specially designed for the conduction of compressed air.
Ingeneumática S.A.S. is a company dedicated to design, develop, produce and commercialize compressed air networks, as well as industrial automation; representing an integral solution in pneumatic systems through innovation for the industry in general, satisfying our customers with timely services and contributing in parallel to the development of all those who are part of it.
Ingeneumática S.A.S. shall permanently mean the best option in integral pneumatic solutions both in the national and international market due to its quality, cost and service. We will achieve the enthusiasm of our customers guided by integrity, teamwork and innovation of our products and services.
Ingeneumatica S.A.S. Company dedicated to provide integral solutions in pneumatic systems for the industry in general, with the commitment to continuously improve its processes, offers its customers the satisfaction of their needs and expectations, with a competent staff for the provision of its services within a framework of productivity, profitability and competitiveness. It is also committed to:
– Ensure the protection and promotion of workers’ health, ensuring their physical integrity and the client’s property, intervening in working conditions that may cause accidents or occupational diseases.
– Maintain and control the processes and operational activities of the company to avoid socio-environmental impacts and in a responsible manner the members of the company contribute to optimize the use of resources and effective management of solid waste.
All levels of management assume responsibility for complying with applicable legal requirements, linking stakeholders in the Integrated Management System and allocating the human, physical and financial resources necessary for innovation and continuous improvement of processes.

– To enjoy and learn from the business world —
Published on 9 Jun. 2014
Ingeneumática – Multifunctional industrial machine for large-scale automated food production. Today its creator Carlos Mario Maya, industrial designer at the Autonomous University of Manizales and founder of Ingeneumática, tells us how this machine makes typical Colombian products such as arepas, cakes and empanadas on a large scale. On Telemedellín Aquí te Ves 11:00 p.m Negocios en ™ with Juan Carlos Yepes or through the website

Ingeneumática S.A.S. Is a company dedicated to design, develop, produce and commercialize compressed air networks, as well as industrial automation; representing an integral solution in pneumatic systems through innovation for all types of industries, satisfying our customers with timely services and contributing in parallel to the development of all those who are part of it.
• Carrera 55B # 72A-94
Itagüí, Antioquia, Colombia
- (+57 604) 448 8836
- (+57) 314 890 9672 / (+57) 314 890 9668
- / (+57) 321 6409937
- / (+57) 314 890 9662